About Gathr

Gathr is an enterprise grade, visual, data analytics platform for unified streaming and batch data processing based on best-of-breed open source technologies. It supports the end-to-end functionality of data ingestion, enrichment, machine learning, action triggers, and visualization. Gathr offers an intuitive drag-and-drop visual interface to build and operationalize data applications five to ten times faster, across industries, data formats, and use cases.

Supported Browsers:

  • Google Chrome 74.0 and above

  • Mac Safari 12.0.0 and above

  • Firefox 66 and above

This topic helps the user to get familiarized with Gathr landing page. A user can login to Gathr application either as a Superuser or as a Workspace user based on the role(s) and permission(s) assigned.

A Superuser is responsible for monitoring and administration of Gathr.

The monitoring can be done with the help of Superuser dashboard and administration can be done with the help of the features which are displayed in the main menu.

Once the Superuser logs in, the Superuser Dashboard will be displayed which is the landing page.

Given below is the illustration of the landing page and the details of each component is explained further.


Illustration NumberLanding Page ComponentsDescription
1Gathr LogoLogo of the Gathr product.
2SummaryName of the page that is displayed in the application.
3DashboardDashboard to monitor various features like Project, Pipeline Summary, Users, Connections, Project Summary, Web Health, License Info, which is provided when you are logged in as a Superuser, Inspect Sessions, Clusters.
4WorkspaceA drop-down option for the Superuser to display the dashboard of either entire Gathr application or individual workspaces.
5Refresh IntervalRefresh interval (in minutes or seconds) for the log monitoring.
6AlertsSystem alerts with a brief description and timestamp.
7Superuser SettingsOptions to manage the Superuser settings and option to logout of the application.
8Gathr main menuSide navigation panel in Gathr (main menu).
9Gathr application footerLinks to Gathr Online Documentation, License details, Web Application Logs, Tomcat Catalina Logs and Audit Logs.


The superuser dashboard consists of a combination of different widgets such as Project, Pipeline Summary, Users, Connections, Project Summary, Web Health, Clusters and Inspect Session. All the widgets that appear in the Workspace dashboard will contain relevant details specific to the Workspace alone. If you have logged in as the superuser then the details across all workspaces can be seen.


This widget provides a summary of all the Public Projects and Private Projects created within the workspace.

Pipeline Summary

This widget provides a summary of all the pipelines throughout the workspaces. The below table describes the Pipeline Summary.

Pipeline Summary
PipelinesThe number of pipelines created in Spark engine across all the workspaces.
ActiveNumber of active pipelines across all workspaces.
StoppedNumber of pipeline that have stopped, across all workspaces.
StartingNumber of pipelines in starting mode, across all workspaces.
ErrorNumber of pipelines that are in error state, across all workspaces.


Users widget provides the count of active users and disabled users within the workspace provided in the Manage Users page of the application. To view all users click on the View All option on the widget.


Connection is an end-point configuration for an infrastructure component. This widget provides the total number of connections available in Gathr i.e., total count of all the connections at Superuser level and Admin User Connections across all the Workspaces. Gathr can connect to infrastructure components like Cassandra, RabbitMQ, Elasticsearch, HDFS, Hbase, Kafka, Solr, and Hive.

Project Summary

The Project Summary widget is a graphical display of the entire project’s summary within the given workspace.

Web Health

This section helps to monitor the overall health of the Gathr Web Application through the memory and CPU utilization.


Application Web Health shows the utilization of the CPU and Memory by the Gathr Application. Choose Application from the drop-down menu provided at the top right corner of the widget.


CPU shows the average use of all the cores available on machine (in percentage). CPU usage happens node by node. For example, there are 4 node managers on a machine and the Application used 2 nodes, that is 100% of one node and 90% of the other node. (As shown in the illustration above)


The total utilization of memory on machine (in percentage). That is the Application will use the total available memory irrespective of node.


This widget provides details about System Health. System Web Health is about the machine on which Gathr application is running.


The accumulative usage of all cores available on machine (in percentage) that is irrespective of CPU utilization of Gathr Application.


The total utilization of memory on machine (in percentage). This also is irrespective of the Application memory.

License Info

The license info is provided if you are logged in using superuser credentials.


Under the Clusters tab the graphical display of running and stopped Databricks Interactive, Databricks Job, EMR Long Running and EMR Job clusters are provided. The clusters tab is available in cloud environment.

Inspect Sessions

All the running Inspect sessions are listed in this widget.

All the users in all of the workspaces of the superuser can be viewed with the details explained below.

These inspect sessions can be filtered on the basis of:

  • Workspace

  • Session Type: Local

You can view the live streaming of logs corresponding to a local session and download logs.

Inspect Sessions

The functionality of each tab is shown below:

WorkspaceThe name of the workspace under the superuser for which the inspect session was created.
CreatedThe name of the user under the workspace for which the inspect session was created.
Session TypeSession type: Local.
Session IDThe ID number of the inspect session.
Process IDThe Process ID number of the inspect session.
Running SinceThe duration of the inspect session in hours/minutes and seconds.

Logs: View inspect session logs, download and delete.

Stop: Stop the inspect session.

Superuser can stop active session(s) of workspace(s) by using the stop button.

Superuser Settings

Go to Superuser on the top right corner of the superuser landing page and click on Settings.

Superuser can access settings with this option and also has a provision to logout of Gathr.


Under superuser settings you can change the password and regenerate token value. Regenerate token helps in regenerating the token in case the previous token expires. Success message is displayed when the superuser updates the token value.


Superuser Settings

User NameSuperuser name of the Gathr application.
Email IdSuperuser’s email id to receive notifications.
LanguageSuperuser’s choice of Language. English (US) by default.
Change Password

Checkbox option to change the existing password.

Token ValueGenerated token value.
Regenerate TokenGenerate token without updating password.

With the token value, superuser can perform actions such as workspace creation, viewing the cluster configuration directly through REST calls.


Gathr Main Menu


The main menu can be accessed from the left navigation panel and as explained earlier the Superuser can manage the Gathr administration with the help of features that are available in the main menu.

For more details on Gathr Administration, see Administration →

Live Logs

Live streaming of logs is available in Gathr so that you can debug issues from the browser itself without the need to access systems where Gathr Webstudio is running. The live logs available on the UI are mentioned below:

Application Logs can be viewed on the footer of the Gathr webpage as shown below:


The other logs for local inspect sessions and data pipelines can be viewed on the relevant pages of the Gathr application as follows:

Web Logs

Web logs can be viewed by clicking the Web Logs option found in the footer of Gathr application.


Tomcat Logs

Tomcat Catalina logs can be viewed by clicking the Tomcat Logs option found in the footer of Gathr application.


Audit Logs

Application Audit logs can be viewed by clicking the Audit Logs option found in the footer of Gathr application.


Actions Available on Logs

The logs are generated with timestamps. Available actions on logs are:

Pin to another tabThe log window can be pinned to a new tab.
DownloadDownload the logs.gz file. In case of Web Application logs, Gathr logs are provided and ten latest sax.log archived files (if available) and by clicking on it, it can be downloaded.
Close windowClose the logs window.
Delete logsDelete the logs and clear the console.
Get last N linesBy specifying the number of lines, last N log lines can be viewed.
FilterApply a keyword filter. The filters are not case sensitive.