Gathr Prerequisites

Hardware Configuration

For Gathr installation, the below hardware configurations are needed:

  • OS: CentOS 7.X/8.X, RHEL 7.X/8.X

  • Cores: 16 cores

  • RAM: 32 GB

  • Storage: 200 GB

Gathr Webstudio Pre-requisites

  • Application user and password with sudo privileges.

  • A directory to be used as ‘Installation Dir’ having write permissions for the application user.

  • The default UMASK value should be 0022 and ulimit value should be 66000 for app user. The user must Sync-up the ntp timestamp with the server.

  • Open JDK 1.8.X or Oracle JDK 1.8.X must be installed.

  • Python 3.8.8 and pip 3 must be installed.

  • Please contact Gathr Support to get the latest build.

    The above URL should be accessible from the client network.

  • Password-less SSH must be set up for application user across the machines.

  • Firewalld and SELINUX must be disabled.

  • For Gathr deployment, Zookeeper and Postgres are mandatory components.

    If the services are already available in the cluster, then the user will be able to access them from Gathr machine.

    If not accessible/available, then the user needs to manually install these components.

  • RabbitMQ and Elasticsearch are optional components.

  • Below ports should be open for dependent services:

    2181,2888,3888,5432,8090,8009,8005,9200,9300,15671 5672

💡 Before beginning with the installation, see Component Versions Supported →

An Apache, CDH, or CDP based cluster with the version described in the respective topics must be available for Gathr to work properly. Local service is required to create pipelines in Gathr.

The prerequisites are listed below, and explained further in the sub-topics must be deployed before proceeding further:

  • Java

  • RabbitMQ

  • PostgreSQL

  • Zookeeper

  • Elasticsearch

  • Couchbase server community

  • Configure LLAP

  • Kubernetes


💡 The component versions that are mentioned in this sub-topic are for representational purpose only. For the Gathr supported component version details, see Component Versions Supported →

  1. Verify that you have a /usr/java directory. If not, create one using the command given below:

    |$ mkdir /usr/java|
  2. Download the Oracle 64-bit JDK (jdk-8u101-linux-x64.tar.gz) from the Oracle downloads site.

  3. Copy the downloaded jdk.tar.gz file to the /usr/java directory.

  4. Navigate to the /usr/java directory and extract the jdk.tar.gz file using the command given below:

    $ cd /usr/java tar zxvf jdk-8u101-linux-x64.tar.gz
  5. The JDK files will be extracted into a /usr/java/jdk-8u101 directory.

  6. Create a symbolic link (symlink) to the JDK using the command given below:

    $ ln -s /usr/java/jdk1.8.0\_101 /usr/java/default</p><p>$ ln –s /usr/java/jdk1.8.0\_101/bin/java /usr/bin/java
  7. Set the JAVA\_HOME and PATH environment variables using the command given below:

    $ export JAVA\_HOME=/usr/java/default</p><p>$ export PATH=$JAVA\_HOME/bin:$PATH
  8. Run below commands to notify system that new java version is ready for use:

    sudo update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/java" "java" "/usr/java/jdk1.8.0\_101/bin/java" 1
    sudo update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/javac" "javac" "/usr/java/jdk1.8.0\_101/bin/javac" 1
    sudo update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/javaws" "javaws" "/usr/java/jdk1.8.0\_101/bin/javaws" 1
  9. Verify that Java is installed in your environment by running the command given below:

    $ java –version
  10. You should see output similar to following:

    java version "1.8.0\_101"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0\_101-b01)
    Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.101-b01, mixed mode)

Access Rights to Livy user

Create a directory on HADOOP if it does not exist, using below command:

<HADOOP\_HOME>/bin/hadoop fs -mkdir /hadoop

#Now, give full permission to the directory using below command:
<HADOOP\_HOME>/bin/hadoop fs -chmod -R 777 /hadoop

Permission 777 required on directories configured in below common.yaml properties:

Run the command:

<HADOOP\_HOME>/bin/hadoop fs -chmod -R 777 /user/hdfs/sax/auto-detection/data/
<HADOOP\_HOME>/bin/hadoop fs -chmod -R 777 /user/hdfs/sax/auto-detection/custom-jar/

Login to Ambari and set following property for ‘Spark-2’ Livy configuration and restart Spark-2 service, as shown below:

livy.server.csrf\_protection.enabled = false

#If the below property is set to 'true', make sure that Hive is installed and running properly.
#Otherwise set this property to 'false'.

livy.repl.enableHiveContext = false


💡 The component versions that are mentioned in this sub-topic are for representational purpose only. For the Gathr supported component version details, see Component Versions Supported →

Erlang is required before installing RabbitMQ, use the below commands to do so:

yum -y install epel-release
yum -y install erlang socat
  1. Run the following command to download RMQ RPM file:

  2. Run the below command to Install RabbitMQ:

    rpm --import
    rpm -Uvh rabbitmq-server-3.6.10-1.el7.noarch.rpm
  3. Start and Enable RabbitMQ using the following command:

    systemctl start rabbitmq-server
    systemctl enable rabbitmq-server
  4. Check the status using below command:

    systemctl status rabbitmq-server
  5. Run the following command to Enable RabbitMQ plugin.

    sudo rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq\_management
  6. Hit the below URL to access RabbitMQ U

  7. Run this command for creating RabbitMQ user test with password test:

    rabbitmqctl add\_user test test
    rabbitmaccqctl set\_user\_tags test administrator
    rabbitmqctl set\_permissions -p / test ".\*" ".\*" ".\*"

    Login with credentials: test/test.


💡 The component versions that are mentioned in this sub-topic are for representational purpose only. For the Gathr supported component version details, see Component Versions Supported →

Configure YUM Repository

In order to prevent PostgreSQL to get installed with older version, you need to add the following line in the appropriate repository configuration file.


File path for making the above entry differs according to the OS:

  • File path for CentOS machine: /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo (in [base] and [updates] sections both)

  • File path for RHEL machine: /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/rhnplugin.conf (in [main] section only)

Install PGDG RPM File

A PGDG file is available for each distribution/architecture/database version combination.

Install postgres repository in the system, use one of the below commands as per the system architecture and operating system.

#CentOS/RHEL version 6.x, 64-Bit:
$ rpm -Uvh [](\_64/pgdg-redhat10-10-2.noarch.rpm
#CentOS/RHEL version 7.x, 64-Bit:
$ rpm -Uvh [](\_64/pgdg-redhat10-10-2.noarch.rpm

Install PostgreSQL10 Server

Install the basic PostgreSQL 10 server using below command:

$ yum install postgresql10-server postgresql10

Initialize Database

After installing PostgreSQL server, it is required to initialize it before start using it. To initialize database run the below command.

$ service postgresql-10 initdb
$ /etc/init.d/postgresql-10 initdb</p><p>$ /usr/pgsql-10/bin/postgresql-10-setup initdb</p>

Server Configuration and Startup

To start PostgreSQL server automatically on system boot, run the following command:

Configure Connection

$ chkconfig postgresql-10 on
  1. Replace the following line written in /var/lib/pqsql/10/data/pg\_hba.conf file:

    host all all ident

    By the following line:

    host all all all md5
  2. Replace the following line written in /var/lib/pqsql/9.3/data/postgresql.conf file:

    #listen\_addresses = 'localhost'

    By the following line:

    listen\_addresses = '\*'

Start Server

Start PostgreSQL service using following command:

$ service postgresql-10 start

Verify PostgreSQL Installation

After completing PostgreSQL 10 installation on server, perform a basic sanity to verify whether installation has been completed successfully or not. To verify the same, switch to the postgreSQL user from root user (first time only) by the following command:

$ su postgres

Use psql command to access PostgreSQL console.

bash-4.3$ psql

PostgreSQL User Configuration

Change password of PostgreSQL user by the following command (default password is postgres):

postgres=# alter user <<username>> with password <<newpassword>>;
postgres=# alter user postgres with password ‘scott’;

Create New User (Optional):

In PostgreSQL, the default root user is postgres, if you want to create a new user with login permission, use the following command:

$ sudo -u postgres psql postgres
postgres=# create role <<new\_user\_name>> login password '<<new\_-password>>';


💡 The component versions that are mentioned in this sub-topic are for representational purpose only. For the Gathr supported component version details, see Component Versions Supported →

Steps to Install Zookeeper

  1. Download the apache-zookeeper-3.5.7-bin.tar.gz package.

  2. Copy it in <installation_dir> (e.g: /opt/gathr/).

  3. Run the below commands as a root or sudo user to provide permissions to the respective service ID.

    chown -R serviceId:serviceId apache-zookeeper-3.5.7-bin
    su <serviceId>
  4. In zookeeper folder, create a folder with the name datadir.

  5. Create a copy of <installation\_dir>/apache-zookeeper-3.5.7-bin/conf/zoo\_sample.cfg and rename it to zoo.cfg.

  6. Update the IP address in zoo.cfg file and add below property:

    server.1=&lt;ip of machine where zk is being installed&gt;:2888:3888
  7. Update dataDir path in zoo.cfg:

  8. Execute command to start zk.

    <installation_dir>/apache-zookeeper-3.5.7-bin/bin/ start
  9. To check the zookeeper status run the below command:

    <installation_dir>/apache-zookeeper-3.5.7-bin/bin/ status


💡 The component versions that are mentioned in this sub-topic are for representational purpose only. For the Gathr supported component version details, see Component Versions Supported →

To install Elasticsearch, follow the steps mentioned below:

  1. Download Elasticsearch binary (.tar.gz) version 6.4.1 from here.

  2. Extract the tar.gz using below command:

    $ tar -xvf elasticsearch-6.4.1.tar.gz -C <<installationDir>>
    $ cd <<installationDir>>/<<extractedDir>>
  3. Open config/elasticsearch.yml ES641 IP of the machine /home/sax/elasticsearch-6.4.1/data2
    path.logs: /home/sax/elasticsearch-6.4.1/logs2 IP of the machine
    http.port: 9200 ["IP"]
    #Place this at the end of the file:\_create\_index: .security,.monitoring\*,.watches,.trig-gered\_watches,.watcher-history\*,.ml\*,sax-meter\*,sax\_audit\_\*,\*-sax-model-index,sax\_error\_\*,true
sudo sysctl -w vm.max\_map\_count=262144
  1. Run below command to start Elasticsearch in background:

    nohup ./bin/elasticsearch &

Enable SSL in Elasticsearch

To enable SSL, perform the following steps on each node in the cluster:

  1. Manually download the X-Pack zip file from here.

  2. Run $ES\_HOME/bin/elasticsearch-plugin install on each node in your cluster.

    $ $ES\_HOME/bin/elasticsearch-plugin install file:///path/to/file/
  3. Confirm that you want to grant X-Pack additional permissions.

  4. X-Pack will try to automatically create several indices within Elasticsearch. By default, Elasticsearch is configured to allow automatic index creation and no additional steps are required. However, if you have disabled automatic index creation in Elasticsearch, you must configure action.auto_create_index in elasticsearch.yml to allow X-Pack to create the following indices:

    <<installationDir>>/<<extractedDir>>/config/elasticsearch.yml:\_create\_index: .security,.monitor-ing\*,.watches,.triggered\_watches,.watcher-history\*,.ml\*

Generating Node Certificates

  1. Create a certificate authority for your Elasticsearch cluster. Substitute <DOMAIN\_NAME> with your machine’s domain name and <node1> and <node2> with the node name or IP address of machines which would be a part of Elasticsearch Cluster:

    $ keytool -genkeypair -keystore es-certificate.p12 -store¬type PKCS12 -storepass elastic -alias esSSL1 -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 99999 -dname "CN=DOMAIN\_NAME, OU=My Team, O=My Company, L=My City, ST=My State, C=SA" -ext san=dns:DOMAIN\_NAME,dns:local-host,ip:,ip:node1,ip:node2
  2. Copy the node certificate to the appropriate locations. Copy the generated .p12 file in a Elasticsearch configuration directory on each node. For example../home/es/config/certs.:

  3. Add the Elasticsearch certificate in the JAVA cacerts of the machine from where we are trying to connect to the Elasticsearch (i.e. Yarn and Gathr nodes) using below command:

    $ keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore /path-to-p12-file/es-cer.p12 -destkeystore $JAVA\_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts -srcstoretype pkcs12

    Above command must be run with root or sudo account. It will prompt for destination keystore password if it has been set earlier and source keystore password which is ‘elastic’ in our case.

Enable SSL Between Nodes in a Cluster

  1. Enable TLS and specify the information required to access the node’s certificate. Add the following information to the <<installationDir>>/<<extractedDir>>/config/elasticsearch.yml file on each node: true\_mode: certificate certs/es-certificate.p12 certs/es-certificate.p12
  2. If you have secured the node’s certificate with a password, add the password to your Elasticsearch keystore: The password is set as elastic. Enter the same when prompted.

    $ bin/elasticsearch-keystore add\_password
    $ bin/elasticsearch-keystore add\_password

Encrypting HTTP Client Communication

  1. Enable TLS and specify the information required to access the node’s certificate.

Add the following information to the <<installationDir>>/<<extractedDir>>/config/elasticsearch.yml file on each node:

``` true certs/es-certificate.p12 certs/es-certifi-cate.p12
  1. If you have secured the node’s certificate with a password, add the password to your Elasticsearch keystore. The password is set as elastic. Enter the same when prompted.

    $ bin/elasticsearch-keystore add\_password
    $ bin/elasticsearch-keystore add\_password
  2. Configure additional properties in <<installationDir>>/<<extractedDir>>/config/elasticsearch.yml file under the extracted folder.

<space before>

Elasticsearch nodes join a cluster based on just one property named

For example: If you want to add the node to cluster mass_deployment, change the value of property to mass_deployment as follows:

``` mass\_deployment

This should be same across all nodes of the cluster. This value will be required while configuring Elasticsearch in Gathr.

The node name should be unique for each ES node in a cluster. This is defined by the property.

For example: If user wants to deploy three nodes for the cluster, the names can be ‘node0’, ‘node1’ and ‘node2’.

  • ‘node0’

    This should be unique for each node in the cluster

  • node.tag: ‘node0’

    This should be unique for each node and same as Also, use the convention node0, node1, nodeN.

  • /path/to/data/dir

    This property perform discovery when new node is started. The default list of hosts is [“”, “[::1]”]

  • ["<hostname/ip>" ]

    Set this property to create a dedicated master-eligible node.

  • node.master: true

    This property defines Data nodes and it holds data and perform data related operations.

  • true

Locks the memory for better performance of Elasticsearch.

  • transport.tcp.port: 9300

  • transport.bind_host: <hostname/IP>


  • hostname/IP>

  • http.port:9200

```\_create\_index: .security,.monitoring\*,.watches,.trig-gered\_watches,.watcher-history\*,.ml\*, sax-meter\*
  1. Specify heap size for Elasticsearch by adding the below line to the file <<installationDir>>/<<extractedDir>>/config/jvm.options:

  2. Make sure to increase the limit on the number of open files descriptors for the user running Elasticsearch to 65,536 or higher. Run below command as root before starting Elasticsearch, or set nofile to 65536 in /etc/security/limits.conf.

    $ ulimit -n 65536
  3. Set the passwords of the built in elastic user. You must explicitly set a bootstrap.password setting in the keystore before you start Elasticsearch.

For example: the following command prompts you to enter a new bootstrap password.

$ bin/elasticsearch-keystore add "bootstrap.password"

The above password you set will be required to login to Elasticsearch cluster URL using elastic as superuser.

  1. Change ownership of Elasticsearch installation directory and start the Elasticsearch node by logging in as non-root user. This is done to enable memory locking as follows:

    $ chown -R <<non-root\_user>> <<installationDir>>
    $<<installationDir>>/<<extractedDir>>/bin/elasticsearch -d
  2. To enable Elasticsearch plugin, open Google Chrome browser and install extension elasticsearch-head.

  3. To access Elasticsearch cluster, click on the elasticsearch-head plugin icon on your browser and enter the cluster details as below and hit ‘connect’:


Couchbase Server Community

💡 The component versions that are mentioned in this sub-topic are for representational purpose only. For the Gathr supported component version details, see Component Versions Supported →

To install Couchbase, follow the steps mentioned below:

  1. Download the rpm file from here.

  2. To install Couchbase, run the below command:

    rpm --install couchbase-server-community-5.1.1-centos7.x86\_64.rpm

The command will install the Couchbase DB and start the service. After running the command above, you will receive the following URL in output:


Open the URL in browser then follow the steps given below to create the cluster.

  1. Click on the Setup New Cluster


  2. Provide the Cluster Name, Username and Password, then click on Next


  3. Accept the terms and conditions, and click on Finish with Defaults. You can also configure Disk, Memory and Service, as per your requirements.


  4. Cluster setup has been completed. Now, login with the username and password set up in previous step.


Configure LLAP

Follow the link given below to enable LLAP on Hive.

Setting up LLAP on Hive


💡 The component versions that are mentioned in this sub-topic are for representational purpose only. For the Gathr supported component version details, see Component Versions Supported →

Kubernetes is required to register container images in Gathr application and connect integrated development environments such as, Jupyter Lab or Visual Studio Code on the sandbox.

Below are the setup details for Kubernetes cluster:


  • A Kubernetes cluster with access to the kube-apiserver endpoint.

  • https://kube-apiserver:kube-apiserver_port_number)

  • Default API port is 443

  • Connectivity between the access node and the API server endpoint URL.

  • To check accessibility, run the following command on the access node:

curl https://kube-apiserver:kube-apiserver\_port\_number/version --insecure
  • A Kubernetes service account, an account to access Kubernetes, or a kubeconfig file that is created by using the service account and a token.

Kubernetes cluster should be available, which typically comprises of master node and multiple worker nodes.

The cluster and its nodes are managed from the master node using ‘kubeadm’ and ‘kubectl’ command.

To install and deploy Kubernetes, it is recommend to have Kubeadm (Multi Node Cluster).

On the Master Node following components will be installed:

  • API Server

  • Scheduler

  • Controller Manager

  • etcd

  • Kubectl utility

On the Worker Nodes following components will be installed:

  • Kubelet

  • Kube-Proxy

  • Pod

For the detailed setup information about setting up Kubernetes cluster, please refer:

Kubernetes Website


Gathr Support

Verify Kubernetes Installation:

On Kubernetes master and worker nodes, check Start/Stop/Restart services:

systemctl status kubelet
systemctl status docker
systemctl status nfs-server

Run below commands on Kubernetes master to get status of cluster and pods:

kubectl get nodes
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

Debugging Kubernetes Pods:

Run below commands on Kubernetes master:

  • Try to get pod info and verify the events, volume mounts, environment variables, endpoints etc.

    kubectl describe pod <pod-name>
  • You can also watch logs of pod using:

    kubectl logs -f <pod-name>|
  • Try entering bash/sh terminal of the pod and look at the configurations, volume map etc.

    kubectl exec -it <pod-name> bash
  • If a pod is evicted, try to look at nodes, CPU/Memory/Disk pressure. Describe a node:

    kubectl describe node <node-name>
  • If disk pressure is True, which evicts the pod, also see the events listed at bottom while you describe node. You can also watch logs of kube-scheduler for more details.

Troubleshooting Cluster

Run below commands on Kubernetes master:

Listing cluster:

kubectl get nodes

To get detailed information about the overall health of the cluster:

kubectl cluster-info dump

To check logs on Master Node:

  • API Server, responsible for serving the API
  • Scheduler, responsible for making scheduling decisions:
  • Controller that manages replication controllers:

To check logs on Worker Nodes:

  • Kubelet, responsible for running containers on the node:
  • Kube Proxy, responsible for service load balancing:

Firewall Settings

Check whether firewall is stopped:

firewall-cmd --state
systemctl status firewalld