Gathr InstallationGathr Installation Introduction →On Prem Installation Introduction →Component Versions Supported →Gathr Prerequisites →CDP Environment Prerequisites for Deploying Gathr →Embedded Gathr →Enable SSL on Gathr Webstudio →Enable HA on Gathr Webstudio →Gathr Setup →Cluster Configuration →Cluster Configuration for Apache →Cluster Configuration for CDH/CDP Using Cloudera Manager →Cluster Configuration for HDInsight Using Ambari →Cluster Configuration for HDP Using Ambari →Configure Gathr With HTTPS →Gathr Settings →Database →Messaging Queue →Elasticsearch →Cassandra →Version Control →Configure Gathr for Kerberos (Optional) →Restart Gathr →CDC Application Prerequisites →Enable CDC for MYSQL →Enable CDC for Postgres →Enable CDC for SQL Server →Enable CDC for Oracle →AWS RDS Postgres-Kafka-CDC →Dashboard Installation →SMTP Server Configuration →Enable SSL on Kafka →Nexus Configuration →Start/Stop H2O Server →Python Configuration →Apache Airflow Installation →Kudu Installation →SSL Components Setup →Installing Jupyter, IDEs and Sparkmagic on Centos/RHEL →Python Environment →Gathr Deployment on Azure →Setup Gathr on AWS - Manual Deployment →Setup Gathr Through AWS Marketplace - Automated Deployment →